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Dec 24, 2022

If you're like most, you already know that relationships are tough and it takes a bit of know-how to become successful in your relationship. That's why it's very important that you get on the same page with each other. Jon and Jess teach the biblical way to do this very strategy, God's way.

Feb 29, 2020

In today's episode, Jon discusses some of the memories from his past that could have the ability to do destruction in his life.  He's done a few things to deter this from happening.

Feb 16, 2020

If you're like most, you already know that relationships are tough and it takes a bit of know-how to become successful in your relationship.  That's why it's very important that you get on the same page with each other.

Jon and Jess teach the biblical way to do this very strategy, God's way

Dec 16, 2019

With all the different opinions out there regarding the honeymoon, it's no wonder that more couples are opting to stay in a non-committed relationship.  But the reality is quite the opposite according to the Word of God.  

Nov 15, 2019

communication tips

For those that want a better relationship, communication is a focal point that needs attention.

Here are 3 Communication Tips To Enrich Your Relationship

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I've heard so many people, now that we are in the holidays interrupt and speak what THEY wanted to get across instead of...