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Jul 31, 2019

Does God have control over all the details?

There are 2 trains of thought that we hear all the time about what God does for us. Most of the time if it fits into our way of doing things that is the story we believe.

So in todays podcast, we decided to talk about these 2 sides of the story and how only one of them makes the most sense.

The story that says God isn't in control of the details

Just like the title says above, we hear all the time that God isn't in control of our destiny. The defense that is offered is that God created us with free will.

That's true to a point.

But when you know the character of God, you also know that that very free will has to do with our decisions to walk away from what God has done for us already - making things much more difficult to live a prosperous life as stated in the new testament by Jesus.

The scripture to back up the story of God having control over your destiny.

Now if you're looking to have a relationship that gives glory to God, you know that there are at least one verse in the bible that will support God having control over the relationships you have.

Jeremiah 29:11 says...

This very verse states that He already knows the plans He has for you. Meaning he loves you so much that He's taken a vested interest in your future.

So, does he have control over the details in your life?

I'd say an emphatic, YES!

Show Notes

Talking about being equally yoked in relationship means so much.

What if God had someone else in mind for me but I'm already married?